So I picked up a keg to be converted, the next step is going to be cutting the top out of it. Not sure when I am going to get around to that, but I will do that eventually. Probably after it warms up.
OBC Holiday Party was last Saturday. Though I didn't get much in the way of beer from the Ring Toss, I did get 20# of 2 row and 4 oz of hops. There was some talk of making a collaborative beer with Yvette (who won another 10#), but I might just use it to make a pale ale for Ron, since I owe him a batch of beer for the fridge. It would make a decent Pale Ale, I think.
I need to get ahold of Kipp and see if he has any good cornies that came in over the past month or so. If so maybe I can pick up a few more kegs for a steal. :)
I need to rack a beer tonight and get it into a keg, so it can start carbing up. I'd like to have the Blonde Ale on tap for Christmas. I'm going to put the Yeast Cake into a jar, and use it to ferment Ron's beer. I think I'll keep this cake around for 5-6 generations, then start with a new one.
And that's all the news that fit to print for the moment! Have a happy holiday and we'll see you next year!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
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