Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Keg Secured and other items of note

So I picked up a keg to be converted, the next step is going to be cutting the top out of it. Not sure when I am going to get around to that, but I will do that eventually. Probably after it warms up.

OBC Holiday Party was last Saturday. Though I didn't get much in the way of beer from the Ring Toss, I did get 20# of 2 row and 4 oz of hops. There was some talk of making a collaborative beer with Yvette (who won another 10#), but I might just use it to make a pale ale for Ron, since I owe him a batch of beer for the fridge. It would make a decent Pale Ale, I think.

I need to get ahold of Kipp and see if he has any good cornies that came in over the past month or so. If so maybe I can pick up a few more kegs for a steal. :)

I need to rack a beer tonight and get it into a keg, so it can start carbing up. I'd like to have the Blonde Ale on tap for Christmas. I'm going to put the Yeast Cake into a jar, and use it to ferment Ron's beer. I think I'll keep this cake around for 5-6 generations, then start with a new one.

And that's all the news that fit to print for the moment! Have a happy holiday and we'll see you next year!


Jimh. said...

Hmmm, my home brewing has been in the form of "Mr. Beer." still, who can argue against beer?

Anonymous said...

You don't have anywhere on your blog to follow. People cannot follow you. You may want to add that.

Chad H said...

Duly noted, Following added. Thanks!