Monday, January 26, 2009

1st Brew of the year and other bits

Made my first brew of the year on Sunday, a nice hoppy red ale.

I am a little concerned that there was no fermentation activity this morning. If it's not fermenting tonight, I'm going to have to pop and pitch that Pacman yeast; I don't want to wait too long and waste it.

I also got sick of the caramel flavor in that Blonde Ale I butchered, so I put 2 oz of dry hops into the keg. I'll try that after I get the BW gone and see if it helped. If not, I believe it's off to the flavoring factory.

In bonus news - I forgot about the Tripel at Garrett's place. That is a damn fine beer, and I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on it!! I should have it between this weekend and next, which means I have to finish off my Barleywine keg :)

The next 2 items on the agenda are to get the top cut off the keg, and get the tap put through the fridge door and ready to serve

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