Monday, August 18, 2008

Iron Brewer 2 Judging Redux

IB2 judging was done last night at Max's Fanno Creek, after a false start last Wednesday at The Raccoon Lodge. My beer did not place, but then later someone told me they'd found another score sheet for me, which would have added an additional 35 points to my total score.

Honestly, that disappointed me a little, but I am not bitter. It was a fun contest to be in and I had some very nice compliments from a few pro brewers about the beer I submitted, and I guess that was all I really wanted - a little honest feedback.

Congratulations to Doug Savin and Alan Ruff, who took 1st place in both the People's Choice and the Pro Judging competitions. I am very jealous of the RR brews you won.

Now, granted I did not place, but a little advice for the organizers of next year's Iron Brewer -

* Please make sure that all beers get the same amount of score sheets, and they are all accounted for and tallied before announcing winners. Looking back, it seems I might have placed had the score sheets been properly tallied

* Have bottle forms and other paperwork on hand in case something occurs and someone has none. There are no printers at the bar, and the lack of bottle forms seemed to have the judges a little confused.

* Every other contest in the world seems to hand out prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Why announce those as placing categories if the winners get nothing to show for it? The amount and value of swag handed out to the 1st place winners was pretty excessive, wouldn't you say? It should be divided up a little more next time.

Again, I would have handled it differently.

But then, I don't plan on being in a board or committee next year, either...

Someone else gets to carry the burden after November.

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